Discover why many great Buddhist concepts can be explained through anime.
Our desire to see that person become happy and support them is the most important.
Buddhism respects the dignity inherent in life and works to spread this belief through one-to-one dialogue.
Getting into a creative zone is less about finding the right plants for our desk, and more about using Buddhism to win over our doubts.
“Tips & Insights” new episode series in which we’ll introduce one Buddhist concept each month.
The Lotus Sutra, as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, or Siddhartha as he is sometimes referred to, is a philosophy of empowerment.
Today’s episode is about learning to live your truth. Chris, of Detroit, shares the incredibly moving journey to affirm himself.
Today’s topic is pessimism, which can be defined as a lack of hope or confidence in the future.
Have you binged the first half of “Stranger Things,” season 4 yet? If not, spoiler alert.
Today we’re talking about self-trust, which, if you’re the type of person who is constantly berating themselves internally, can feel hard.