Tapping into your Buddhability allows you to be your own person and not define your worth by others’ standards.
Find out how Buddhists view relationships and the secret to being in healthy ones.
Nothing can stop us from living a life of happiness and victory.
For Buddhists, learning about death teaches us the best way to live. Discover the Buddhist perspective on the oneness of life and death.
Whatever the times, figuring out our future can leave us feeling scared and anxious. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
For Buddhists, rejecting racism is part of our daily practice. Because from the Buddhist perspective, every person has value, and that’s it.
By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we blossom in a way that’s special to us. We each can make a contribution to the world that no one else can.
The Lotus Sutra teaches the enlightenment of women. And that’s why we practice it.
Is happiness even a thing I can create?
Why it brings out the best version of us.