A New Year’s Resolution We’re All Practicing

(Photo above by Debra Williams)

Robert Fisher of Philadelphia shows us how to wake up with our Buddhability every day and create the life we want.

Wondering how to kick-start your Buddhability journey this year and make it stick? We reached out to Robert Fisher, a practicing SGI-USA Buddhist from Philadelphia, to see if he would be down to document 5-days of how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo on the daily can make a major difference in how we show up in the world.

If you want to learn more about how to chant (it’s easy, don’t worry!) you can sign-up for our weekly newsletter and take a quick moment to check out our “Learn How to Chant” video.

Anyone can do it, so if you want to test it out for yourself, we’re here to help.

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