How to Stay Motivated to Take COVID Precautions

(Photo above by Anna Shvets / Pexels)

Here’s some advice on how to stay attentive to taking precautions during the pandemic, not only for us but others too.

Tired of staying inside and just want to be around the people you love? Experiencing pandemic fatigue? We hear you and it’s no understatement to say this has been one of the most difficult years.

But it’s also shown just how small our world is, even if we’re thousands of miles apart. Stories of community members showing support for total strangers has been a beautiful reminder of how connected we are all. When we help others, we can help ourselves. Buddhist philosophy actually came to the conclusion that everything is interconnected thousands of years ago.

Why? Because Buddhism does not exist apart from reality. If anything, it’s getting even more clear with what we see and experience on a daily basis. The principle, oneness of person and environment, emphasizes the inseparability of life and all its manifestation. Meaning, nothing exists or operates in isolation without impacting others and our surroundings.

When we walk out of our homes wearing a mask, we aren’t just protecting ourselves but everyone we come into contact with.

When we walk out of our homes wearing a mask, we aren’t just protecting ourselves but everyone we come into contact with.

Doing so is an expression of recognizing that we are all connected and that we care for our fellow community members. As Buddhists, there’s no question that caring for both ourselves and others is at the top of our priority list.

An image that has a painted rock that reads

Photo by Lisa Fotios / Pexels

It can be hard to keep up with this type of thinking but here are a few tips we’ve been keeping in mind here at Buddhability:

  • Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to get into a solid daily rhythm.
  • Make sleep a priority!
  • Encourage yourself by encouraging others.
  • Eat well, you can never go wrong with that.

Even Buddhists get stressed, tired and the list goes on. But implementing these four tips can develop within us the capacity to embrace others.

So, whether you’re limiting your outside time to the most essentials or wearing a mask in public, remember, you’re not only caring for your own life but equally caring for others.

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