Today we’re talking with Bobby Eppsteiner, a surgeon in Massachusetts.
Discover how by tapping into his Buddhability, Cory beat the odds and made a remarkable recovery while creating new dreams.
The Lotus Sutra, as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, or Siddhartha as he is sometimes referred to, is a philosophy of empowerment.
Believing in ourselves requires practice, it’s a muscle you need to work each day.
Today we’re speaking with Asia Harvey-Wright, who goes by Harvey, about their first steps of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Lara Modelski, of Waianae, Hawaii, shares her powerful experience of transforming what felt impossible into possible.
The Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda explains how problems are caused by human beings, which means that they must have a human solution.
Meet Anna Wrede, of Seattle, an artist who uses her Buddhist practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to never give up on her dreams.
Today we’re talking about the battle with our own inner negativity, whatever form it may take: self-doubt, self-hatred, regret, or worry.
Today we are talking about how to open a new path if you’re feeling stuck where you are, whether at work or in any other situation.