How I Show Up For Others

(Photo above courtesy of Allison Rubin)

Allison Rubin, of Baltimore, realizes that her Buddhability journey isn’t only for her but a way she can show up for others.

Allison Rubin
Baltimore, Maryland

From mid-2016 through 2017, I experienced the greatest depression of my life. I felt as though I had nothing and belonged nowhere.

One weekend, I made it out of the house to visit my childhood friend, Lucia. At the time, she shared about chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and how chanting has impacted her life experience. It would still be months before I could be present in my life, but I didn’t forget that conversation.

COVID-19 completely changed my routine, and Lucia and I started to have many more conversations, processing our lives and experiences together. I then realized I wanted to find and be a part of a community of people who were similarly making daily efforts to improve their lives and where I could show up authentically for others.

I attended my first virtual neighborhood Buddhist meeting on August 27, 2020. That night after the meeting, I started chanting right away.

I wanted to find and be a part of a community of people who were similarly making daily efforts to improve their lives and where I could show up authentically for others.

Practicing Buddhism this past few months has propelled and expanded my life. Finally, I get to practice something just as I really am. All that I’ve been trying to transform from within is beginning to manifest in my environment.

This year, I want to continue my Buddhability journey and connect with my Buddhist community as much as possible. From a sense of appreciation for being introduced to this practice, I am also sharing Buddhism with people in my life.

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