Breaking free from self-imposed limitations

(Photo above courtesy of Daniel Sun)

Believing that we each possess limitless wisdom, courage and compassion—what we call Buddhability—can be a daily battle. Many of us impose limitations on ourselves, believing that we’re not capable of accomplishing our dreams and becoming happy.

Today’s guest, Daniel Sun, of Boston, shares how he used Buddhism to overcome his limiting beliefs and become an accomplished Harvard scientist and scholar. We discuss the key role chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and studying Buddhism played in his ability to shift his mindset.

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

7:20 Daniel tries Buddhism to get through graduate school

11:05 Dreaming of a research career in the U.S.

21:03 What Buddhism says about self-doubt

33:56 Fresh confidence to apply for a large grant

43:46 How studying maximizes the effects of Buddhist chanting

References mentioned:

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