Finding happiness while living with chronic illness

On this episode, we discuss living with chronic health challenges, be it physical or mental health. Jenny Ohrstrom, who has been seeking treatment for Lyme disease for nearly 8 years, shares her story of learning how to find happiness despite living with painful, unpredictable symptoms.

While everyone’s experience with illness is different, for chronic illness, the battle is as much about managing the symptoms and seeking treatment as it about finding a way to value your life on daily basis, especially when you feel no hope.

Key takeaway: Tapping into Buddhability can simply mean tapping into real, deep, courageous happiness, in the face of pain. Unlike positivity, sustainable happiness comes from cultivating a life state that enables us to never give up or give in to hopelessness.

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

1:38 Introduction to Jenny and her Buddhist practice

4:28 How she found out she had Lyme

14:40 Why it was so bad

17:07 How chanting helped her navigate the journey

23:32 What the doctors told her

24:38 How she defines recovery

27:18 What happiness means on a daily basis

33:02 Advice for anyone feeling defeated by chronic or long-term illness

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