How I Learned to Never Give Up on Myself

(Photo above by Henry & co / Pexels)

Our guest is James, of New York, who shares how a consistent practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helps him navigate some of the toughest moments of his life from dealing with addiction to finding his place and purpose.

Note: Buddhism does not contradict medical science. If anything, for Buddhists, seeking out professional advice and support is an important step toward caring for ourselves. If you or a friend is struggling with addiction, please seek out professional help.

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

3:11 James discovers Buddhism one day while working at a thrift shop.

5:00 Changes he notices after chanting.

11:11 Not showing up for others and himself the way he wanted to.

15:50 Telling friends about his challenges and finding ways to be accountable

19:17 Moving back home to upstate New York.

23:42 How Buddhism changed his family.

27:56 Realizing that coming back home was the best move he could have made.

31:06 How Buddhism taught him to never give up.

37:03 Advice to anyone that wants to try chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

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