How Loss Deepened My Appreciation for Life

(Photo courtesy of Alexandria Jones)

Alexandria Jones, of San Diego, grew up with many examples of the power of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It wasn’t until becoming a young adult that she decided to test it for herself.

In today’s episode, Alexandria shares how chanting helped her to develop limitless strength and courage. Two things she would need when faced with the painful loss of a loved one. She shares how the Buddhist view of death deepened her appreciation of life.

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Cheat Sheet

01:48 Alexandria sees the power of Buddhism through her mom’s life.

09:40 Discovering strength she didn’t know she had.

17:00 Caring for a parent with chronic health problems.

28:44 Taking responsibility at a crucial moment.

40:22 Reflections on the Buddhist view of life and death.

47:20 A new understanding of life inspires her to follow her dreams.

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