How To Do It All, with Dr. Gitima Sharma

(Photo above by Keira Burton / Pexels)

Today we’re talking about how to do it all when you have a full plate. Whether you are an overwhelmed parent or caregiver aspiring to build a career you love, or lacking the support you wish you had to care for yourself and everything else in your life, doing it all can be tough. And amid the chaos, we tend to be hardest on ourselves.

Dr. Gitima Sharma, of CSU Fresno, talks us through how she approaches this subject as a counselor educator, and also as a Buddhist practitioner and working mom with two young children.

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Cheat Sheet

1:34 How Gitima started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

13:11 Her own experience with “doing it all”

19:22 The challenges of self-doubt, self-comparison and perfectionism

28:04 What having a sense of purpose means in Buddhism

32:02 What research says about having a sense of purpose

45:46 How to increase your sense of purpose

53:31 A favorite Buddhist quote about time and enlightenment

56:27 Advice for anyone who is struggling to do it all

References mentioned:

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