How to make progress, even when you can’t see eye to eye

(Photo above by Kyle Glenn / Unsplash)

This week, we speak with Abe Uccello about working for change in Florida’s prison system, even when he couldn’t see any forward movement. He explains how chanting can help you build trust and respect with anyone, and what unity actually means. Hint: You have to unlock your own wisdom and compassion first.

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

1:50 What we’re trying to understand today

4:02 Introduction to Abe

5:02 How chanting helped him feel like he had control over his life again

10:54 His experiences working with the prison system

16:20 How chanting helped him figure out what to do

17:20 What a tenacious effort to build trust helped him achieve

25:10 Why he didn’t give up

28:32 How to maintain hope even when you see the darkest parts of humanity

32:33 What the end goal in Buddhism is

35:46 Advice to anyone feeling stuck or overwhelmed by uncertainty

38:02 What “happiness for self and others” means

45:39 What else to read on Buddhability about feeling stuck and making change

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