Moving on after experiencing loss

(Photo above by Darwis Alwan / Pexels)

Today we’re talking how to move on after experiencing loss. Our guest is Hannah Jones, of Ohio, who shares how she encountered SGI Nichiren Buddhism while in high school, and how it helped her navigate the loss of her best friend—her older brother—and ultimately find her way back to her dreams.

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Cheat Sheet

1:03 How Hannah started practicing Buddhism as a teenager

5:05 Her first experience chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

10:00 The family dynamics she chanted about

15:53 How Buddhism helped her deal with the loss of her brother

28:09 The shift in their relationship

32:01 How having Buddhist friends helped at the darkest time

37:59 Hannah’s favorite Buddhist quote

41:06 The internal breakthrough she experienced

47:07 Her dream to go into psychology

48:43 Advice for anyone grappling with loss

References mentioned:

  • Discussions on Youth, p. 69
  • A Piece of Mirror and Other Essays, p. 83

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