The Courage to Live Authentically and Embrace Others

The journey of self-discovery can sometimes be long and winding. Ray Guida, of Columbus, OH, shares how he developed the compassion and courage to live as his authentic self.

We discuss the ways chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helps us face all hardships with hope and what it is like to practice SGI Nichiren Buddhism as an LQBTIA+ person.

Cheat Sheet

00:00 Introduction

02:45 Ray searches for LGBTQIA+ affirming philosophies

06:49 A coworker reintroduces Ray to Buddhism

12:29 Living authentically and affirming his gender identity

16:24 Not being accepted by loved ones

21:35 Changing our perspective on problems

27:15 What does true happiness look like?

30:27 Hitting rock bottom and picking himself back up

37:48 Being LGBTQIA+ in the SGI Buddhist community

42:40 Dialogue with those different from us

45:43 Advice on treasuring your life

References mentioned: 

  • Discussions on Youth, p. 8.

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