Transforming my family through my own agency

(Photo above by Gilberto Olimpio / Pexels)

Today we’re addressing how Buddhism can help us tackle family dynamics. Our guest is Brian Angulo, of New York, who shares how, in just a few years, his Buddhist practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo enabled him to transform a family dynamic that seemed impossible to change. Based on finding his own agency, courage and wisdom, he learned to lead with his heart and take responsibility for strengthening bonds in a way that was true to him.

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Cheat Sheet

1:18 How Brian starting chanting Nam-myoho-rengekyo

6:22 What changed after he began his practice

7:31 The family dynamic he wanted to change

11:56 How he started approaching change

17:53 The transformation of his own behavior

23:28 What he specifically chanted about

33:19 The power of the present moment

40:45 How he experiences family now

47:32 Advice for anyone who wants to transform a family relationship

Reference mentioned:

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