Winning with friends vs. Winning alone

(Photo above by The Catch By Elyse)

Today we’re talking about what it takes to pursue a dream that forces you to battle your own ego or hopelessness. Key takeaway: Practice for self and others is the key to breaking through our own limitations.

Our guest is model Masamichi Nyunoya, of New York, who shares the story of how his parents helped him start his Buddhist practice at a crucial crossroads in his life and how he has turned to that practice again and again on his journey toward the career of his dreams.

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

1:52 How Masa started practicing Buddhism

10:40 Where his dream of becoming a model came from

14:57 The year that changed his life

20:34 What brought him to New York City to pursue his dreams

27:12 How Buddhist study changed his practice

31:58 Learning to care for others

35:59 His favorite Buddhist quote about art

38:09 Advice for anyone striving to pursue a big dream


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