11 Texts to Inspire a Friend to Never Give Up

(Photo above by Shvets Production / Pexels)

Our most difficult moments are often very close to our greatest breakthroughs. Erika Marcano writes in her Buddhability story:

I had always dreamed of working for the Spanish-language TV networks Telemundo or Univision but never had the confidence that it could become a reality. The list of reasons why it would never happen was long, but this time I chose to believe in myself and chanted [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo] for my dreams. A friend who knew about my goal reached out about an opening at Univision. I couldn’t believe it. I immediately applied and, after a successful interview, they offered me a two-month project.

Erika Marcano

Even though we may feel there’s no possible way out of our situation or we just so disappointed with ourselves we can’t move forward, Buddhism teaches we should never ever give up. Why? Each day we move forward is a day that we’ve won over ourselves and our negativity. Plus, our true victory might be close at hand. Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda writes:

When facing adversity, we may think we’ve reached our limit, but actually the more trying the circumstances, the closer we are to making a breakthrough. The darker the night, the nearer the dawn. Victory in life is decided by that last concentrated burst of energy filled with the resolve to win.

The New Human Revolution, vol. 22, p. 160

How do we keep up our resolve? Encouraging our friends in their toughest times is actually a great way to reaffirm our own decision to never give up on ourselves.

Encouraging our friends in their toughest times is actually a great way to reaffirm our own decision to never give up on ourselves.

Here are 11 text messages to send to a friend when you want to encourage them not to give up.

When a friend has suffered a serious setback:

1. I’ve seen you overcome some serious situations in the past by being true to yourself. I know you’re going to do it again this time.

2. Thinking about how much you’ve supported me in the past. You’re amazing and will definitely break through this!

3. It won’t be like this forever! This moment doesn’t define you.

4. I really admire your (insert your friend’s positive quality). I know you’ll make this happen.

When a friend is facing rejection:

5. The fact that you’ve hit this wall is proof that you’ve come so far.

6. It doesn’t matter how many times you’re rejected, as long as the right opportunity opens up in the end!

7. Never let life get the better of you.

When you just want a friend to know you’re there for them:

8. Do you want to talk tonight? I’m happy just to listen!

9. I’m at a coffee place nearby, want anything? I can drop it off.

When you just want to lighten your friend’s spirits so they can keep going:

10. I was just chanting and thought about how amazing you are. Hope you’re having a good day!

11. (Insert favorite GIF) 

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