Amber Owens, of Anniston, Alabama, uncovered a deep sense of purpose in revitalizing her hometown’s art culture.
Thank you for an incredible year!
Be the one to take the first step in connecting with others.
Psychologist Laurie Santos suggests that having a supportive community is a great way to avoid burnout and become happy.
When we’re trying to take care of ourselves, it’s easy to forget about others. But caring for others is equally important.
Our guest is Tanushree Salvi shares the story of how she was able to take the steps to take care of her own mental health.
Rory Harper, of Texas, shares how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a source of hope for realizing the life he never thought was possible.
You’re invited to a chat on how to refresh when you feel burned out.
In part 2, we share Karina’s story of facing and transforming her past with support from her Buddhist friends.
For Buddhists, creating judgment-free spaces is essential to living a happy life.