Happiness Without The Subscription Fee

(Photo above by Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels)

It’s only natural to wonder, “Will I eventually have to pay a monthly fee for Buddhability?” The answer is no. Why? We believe everyone should have access to a free resource to power our growth, healing and happiness. That’s why Buddhability is a community that’s totally free.

Since ancient India, Buddhists have come together in a sangha, which can be literally translated as “assembly” or “group.” The spirit of the Buddhist sangha in ancient India was one of equality and consensus, which ran counter to the caste system of the day.

In the same way, the Buddhability community is a place where we support one another with no judgment. Buddhism has always taught that supporting another person is not just a nice thing to do, but essential for our own growth and happiness.

Buddhism has always taught that supporting another person is not just a nice thing to do, but essential for our own growth and happiness.

The 13th-century Buddhist reformer, Nichiren Daishonin, writes, “[I]f one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.” That’s why the Buddhist community is so important, because supporting others is an essential part of our own Buddhist practice. The more we do it, the more fulfilled and meaningful our lives become.

Buddhability is a part of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), the most diverse grassroots Buddhist community made up of people all around the world. The SGI believes in the Buddhability of everyone—no matter where you come from or whom you choose to love. The SGI is also a network of neighborhood groups, where Buddhists gather to learn about Buddhism and share their experiences of using it in their lives.

If you’re interested in attending a neighborhood group meeting, hit us up! You can sign-up to try chanting for our 31-day Buddhability journey! Here’s a great article on what to expect at your first Buddhist gathering.

Start Your 31-Day Buddhability Journey
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