Daeseon Kim shares how tying his dreams to a deeper purpose helped him move to the U.S. and advance in his career as a physical therapist.
There are many reasons why people move. Maybe for a new job, to finally be reunited with their partner or a fresh start.
Discover how Buddhist philosophy and practice can change your relationship with anxiety.
How chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can help us maximize every moment and use our time wisely.
Today, we’re talking about navigating life after graduation and finding your unique path.
More than avoiding burnout, a daily Buddhist practice can give us the capacity to accomplish more over time.
To have a fulfilling Sunday, we have to first start by winning over ourselves in the morning. Learn how to tap into your Buddhability.
“I’m starting a new job soon and I’m wondering if you could talk a little bit about stressful transitions in life?”
This episode is about suffering, an inescapable fact of life for all living beings, but one that Buddhism offers a refreshing perspective on.
“Tips & Insights” is a miniseries in which we’ll introduce one Buddhist concept each month and how it can be applied to your life.