Ariana shares how practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhism has helped her remain undefeated by anxiety and depression.
SGI is a community of Buddhists committed to the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism, rooted in nonviolence and respect for people.
Buddhism is an optimistic practice. But where does this attitude come from? Keep reading to discover what Buddhism teaches.
A sign that we’re stuck is complaining about our situation instead of taking action to change.
If you haven’t seen FX/Hulu’s “The Bear,” spoilers ahead. Discover the Buddhist concept that runs through the series.
The Lotus Sutra, as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, or Siddhartha as he is sometimes referred to, is a philosophy of empowerment.
Can people really change? Or does their essence stay the same but they can improve their lives. Buddhability explains that it is both.
Today we’re talking about what it takes to tear down your walls if you have trouble showing up as your authentic self.
Our guest is Tanushree Salvi shares the story of how she was able to take the steps to take care of her own mental health.
By caring for others, Alex Federline, of Washington D.C., develops a deep sense of worth and wins over his anxiety.