Buddhist practice teaches that refusing to be defeated in your life is what it means to win.
Buddhism is an optimistic practice. But where does this attitude come from? Keep reading to discover what Buddhism teaches.
Today, we're talking about what it really takes to face your reality, especially when that requires taking a hard look at yourself.
Today, we’re talking about how Buddhism sees obstacles, particularly those big challenges life throws your way when you least expect it.
Alex Caldwell shares her powerful experience of overcoming cancer, all the while fully living her life without being defeated.
Our guest is James, of New York, who shares how chanting helps him navigate some of the toughest moments of his life.
Today, we're talking about how to orient our lives onto a happy, healthy path, no matter what kind of circumstances we begin with.
You don’t have to be a morning person to start off your day in the best way.
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo allows us to overcome the negativity that tells us everything is impossible.
Today we’re speaking with Yuri Yamashita, of New York, about her career as a percussionist and her Buddhist practice.