Conviction vs. Control: How to become an unshakable leader

(Photo above by Mikhail Nilov / Pexels)

Today we are talking about what it takes to become unshakable. Our guest is Brittany Jones, who recently became the youngest elementary school principal in the country’s second largest school district. She shares her journey into education, and how, at a crucial turning point in her career as an educational leader, chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helped her challenge her own insecurities and win each day.

Photo by Stephanie Jones

This episode is especially relevant for anyone who struggles with limiting themselves or easing their anxiety by trying to control their schedule a little too much. It’s also an incredible illustration of how sometimes, letting go and focusing on the present is the greatest strength of all.

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Cheat Sheet

1:50 Why Brittany started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

8:58 How she became interested in education

13:01 Her journey to become an elementary school principal

29:28 Finding the courage to stay the course

34:17 How her Buddhist practice helps her identify her priorities

37:54 Supporting the Buddhability of children

39:19 The importance of winning in the morning

45:44 How Brittany learned to let go of the need for control

50:00 The impact of chanting on becoming unshakable

53:05 Brittany’s favorite Buddhist quote

55:09 How she defines her Buddhability

57:13 Her vision for what’s next

59:40 Advice for anyone new to Buddhism

References mentioned:

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