On Setting Boundaries and True Self-Care

(Photo above by Lisa / Pexels)

Today we are covering one of our most highly requested topics: boundaries and self-care.

Our guest is Jessica Riley, a mental health specialist in Florida, who most recently was a military psychologist. After struggling deeply with setting boundaries, an overwhelming workload and an inability to really take care of herself, she started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo about her situation and came to a major realization about herself that changed everything. We’ll cover how she navigated her own experience and why caring for others doesn’t have to require sacrifice.

Also, an announcement: For anyone struggling with well-being, self-care or burnout, starting Monday May 17 join us for a 7 Day Refresh on Buddhability! For a whole week, you’ll get daily newsletters with prompts, tips and advice on how to refresh yourself to protect your health, from a Buddhist perspective. To join, just sign up for our newsletter. 

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

1:28 Jessica’s journey to become a military psychologist

6:31 Why she turned to chanting

15:08 What the daily workload felt like

25:36 Two Buddhist concepts that shifted her perspective

27:45 How she found time to chant

31:12 What she realized about herself

41:36 What happened after she decided to prioritize self-care and boundaries

41:15 What believing in yourself looks like in practice

50:22 Advice for anyone struggling with self-worth or burnout

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