Today we’re talking about the amazing difference that a month of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can make in your life.
Listen to “The Melissa Ambrosini Show,” interview Greg Martin, co-author of The Buddha in Your Mirror, and Jihii Jolly, host of Buddhability.
Listen to Celize Christy, of Iowa, share her own process of recommitting to her daily Buddhist practice over the last two years.
Welcome to this year’s journey! It’s all about discovering your Buddhability by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for 31 days.
Today we’re exploring what the power of a daily practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can really do for you.
Too often we wait for the New Year to set goals that we give up on quickly. Discover how your Buddhability can create sustainable change.
Candace Caballero’s Buddhability empowered her to face her childhood trauma and heal her relationship with her father.
Four ways to handle feelings of loneliness at the end of 2021.
Don’t like feeling exposed? Being vulnerable can feel risky but your Buddhability equips you to be vulnerable in the best way.
Here is a year-end list of our best podcasts and articles about relationships.