How I Feel Hope While Living with Anxiety and Depression

(Photo above courtesy of Ariana Jaramillo)

Ariana Jaramillo, of Santa Cruz, started experiencing panic attacks in high school. Right around that time, she started to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo regularly.

Today, she shares how practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhism has helped her remain undefeated by anxiety and depression. We talk about what it looks like to chant daily, study Buddhism and apply it to your life.

(You can also listen to Buddhability on AppleSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.)

Cheat Sheet

04:58 Ariana is encouraged to write down her impossible goals

09:29 Finding deeper purpose in her life and fighting for family harmony

18:37 Her most intense period of depression in college

26:00 How she uses Buddhism to support her mental health

36:03 Seeing tangible differences in her anxiety

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