Today we’re talking about navigating job challenges, whether you are facing job loss, trying to find a job.
Bella Hanesworth talks to Buddhability about how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helped her develop confidence she to succeed.
Today we’re talking about how to do it all when you have a very full plate with Dr. Gitima Sharma, of California State University Fresno.
Today we’re speaking with Yuri Yamashita, of New York, about her career as a percussionist and her Buddhist practice.
Today we’re talking with Bobby Eppsteiner, a surgeon in Massachusetts.
Learn how Juliann Petkov, of New York, through seeking the meaning of a recurring injury, finds cause for growth.
Listen to our guest is Shawn Lewis, who tells us the story of a period in his life when he found himself coasting.
Our guest is Brittany Jones, who recently became the youngest elementary school principal in the country's second largest school district.
We’re joined by Shota Okajima who shares how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helped him overcome anxiety about his path forward after college.
Today we’re talking with journalist Melissa Hirsch about how her Buddhist practice helped her navigate her career journey.