Today we are discussing a question that comes up a lot: How do I stop comparing myself to other people?
At 16 years old, Aatish Parson wins the 2020 Congressional App Challenge by sharing resources for people experiencing homelessness.
By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we blossom in a way that’s special to us. We each can make a contribution to the world that no one else can.
Don’t stress out about imaginary timelines.
When we bring out our Buddhability, we stop seeking validation.
This week’s episode is about how to build the confidence to pursue a big dream.
Joseph Schoendorf changes his family in a way most people wouldn’t think possible.
Rachel Mundus is changing the narrative of dental care in Detroit.
Hope only disappears when we decide something is hopeless.
Sharen Davis, a multi-Academy Award nominee and HBO’s “Westworld” costume designer, is a new kind of brave.