By practicing Buddhism we can become strong and confident people who stand on business with wisdom and compassion.
This week we’re talking about dreams. How do we dream? How do we find purpose in our dreams? And if we have a clear dream, how we pursue it.
Learn how Kyle Maharlika, of Florida, conquered his inner fear by believing in the Buddhability of others.
Buddhism is essentially a teaching of empowerment, meant to be accessible to all people.
Today, we’re talking about what winning over yourself really takes.
We’re talking about what inner transformation or human revolution through a consistent practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo looks like.
It may feel like the end of the world when you don’t get into the college of your dreams. But it doesn’t define your future success.
“Tips & Insights” is a miniseries in which we’ll introduce one Buddhist concept each month and how it can be applied to your life.
Today we’re talking about navigating job challenges, whether you are facing job loss, trying to find a job.
Read about four ways to overcome your fears by tapping into your Buddhability.