Today we're talking about what it takes to live your life as the main character or protagonist.
Today’s episode is a conversation with psychologist Elizabeth Merrick about anxiety, therapy, Buddhism, and how they all connect.
Listen to our guest is Shawn Lewis, who tells us the story of a period in his life when he found himself coasting.
“Tips & Insights” new episode series in which we’ll introduce one Buddhist concept each month.
Today’s episode is about learning to live your truth. Chris, of Detroit, shares the incredibly moving journey to affirm himself.
Today’s topic is pessimism, which can be defined as a lack of hope or confidence in the future.
Today we’re talking about self-trust, which, if you’re the type of person who is constantly berating themselves internally, can feel hard.
“Tips & Insights” is a new episode series in which we’ll introduce one Buddhist concept and how it can be applied to your life each month!
Our guest is Brittany Jones, who recently became the youngest elementary school principal in the country's second largest school district.
We’re joined by Shota Okajima who shares how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helped him overcome anxiety about his path forward after college.