Ariana shares how practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhism has helped her remain undefeated by anxiety and depression.
Koda Jordet, of Fargo, North Dakota, shares how prioritizing his Buddhist practice helped him develop indestructible happiness.
Today’s episode is a conversation with psychologist Elizabeth Merrick about anxiety, therapy, Buddhism, and how they all connect.
Today we’re speaking with Asia Harvey-Wright, who goes by Harvey, about their first steps of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Today we’re talking how to move on after experiencing loss. Our guest is Hannah Jones, of Ohio, who shares how she encountered the SGI.
Our guest is Tanushree Salvi shares the story of how she was able to take the steps to take care of her own mental health.
By caring for others, Alex Federline, of Washington D.C., develops a deep sense of worth and wins over his anxiety.
Buddhism can help uncover your inner power. Read Joyce Wang’s hero journey as she navigates multiple diagnoses.
Four friends from our community share how believing in their Buddhability changed how they viewed their mental health challenges.
Today we’re talking to Lorenna Garcia-Bochas, a young woman in Georgia who grew up around the Buddhist community and chanting.